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Not sure what the goal of your next influencer marketing campaign should be? This post breaks down the most common influencer marketing objectives.

he key to a successful influencer marketing campaign lies in setting clear objectives. Choosing an objective and keeping it at the forefront of your mind throughout the entire campaign will help you make better decisions and therefore get closer to that objective.

If Homer can be 100% focused on his goal, so can you.

But what should your influencer marketing objective be? Well, honestly it depends on your brand, its journey, and the products or services you sell. It can be difficult to decide, so in this blog post, we'll explore the most common influencer marketing objectives.

What are influencer marketing objectives?

Influencer marketing objectives are the goals that a brand hopes to achieve through an influencer marketing campaign.

Your objective drives all the decisions you make in your influencer marketing campaign, particularly how you define your target influencers and how you find them.

Common influencer marketing objectives

Your influencer campaigns can get as creative as you see fit, but these are some of the most common influencer marketing objectives.

Brand awareness

Brand awareness is a crucial objective in influencer marketing campaigns. It refers to the extent to which consumers are aware of a particular brand and its products or services. The primary goal of brand awareness is to build a strong reputation and increase familiarity with the brand among potential customers.

Marketing Funnels: Everything You Need to Know

Awareness is the first stage of any marketing funnel, influencer or otherwise. Source: Ahrefs.

When it comes to influencer marketing, brand awareness can be achieved by partnering with influencers who have a large following and who align with the brand's values and target audience. Through influencer marketing, brands can reach a wider audience and build brand recognition among consumers who may not have been familiar with the brand before.

Influencer marketing campaigns that focus on brand awareness can take many forms. For example, an influencer may post sponsored content featuring the brand's products or services, or they may collaborate with the brand on a giveaway or contest to increase visibility and engagement. Brands may also partner with influencers to create branded content that educates and informs consumers about the brand's mission, values, and unique selling proposition.

Measuring the success of brand awareness in influencer marketing campaigns can be challenging. However, metrics such as engagement rates, social media reach, and website traffic can provide valuable insights into the effectiveness of the campaign. By tracking these metrics and continually refining their influencer marketing strategies, brands can build stronger brand awareness and reach new audiences through their partnerships with influencers.

Trust and loyalty

Influencer marketing can be an effective way to build trust and loyalty with consumers, as it allows brands to leverage the credibility and influence of trusted individuals to promote their products or services.

One way to build trust and loyalty through influencer marketing is by partnering with influencers who have a strong personal brand and a reputation for honesty and authenticity. When influencers share their experiences and opinions about a brand's products or services genuinely and transparently, it can help to build trust with their followers and increase their loyalty to the brand.

Another way to build trust and loyalty through influencer marketing is by creating long-term partnerships with influencers. By working with the same influencers over time, brands can establish a sense of consistency and reliability that can help to build trust and loyalty with their audience.

Long-term partnerships can also provide opportunities for deeper collaboration and more impactful content creation, which can further strengthen influencer relationships.

Metrics such as repeat business, customer retention, and social media engagement can provide valuable insights into the effectiveness of the campaign in building long-term relationships with consumers. By prioritizing trust and loyalty as objectives in their influencer marketing strategies, brands can foster stronger connections with their audience and drive sustainable growth over time.

Brand community

Building a brand community is another valuable objective in influencer marketing campaigns. A brand community is a group of consumers who share a common interest or passion for a particular brand or product.

You can build these communities through influencer marketing by partnering with influencers who have a strong following and a dedicated fan base. By leveraging the influence of these individuals, brands can create a sense of belonging and connection among their audience, which can foster loyalty and drive long-term growth.

One way to build a brand community through influencer marketing is by collaborating with influencers to create engaging and interactive content that encourages participation and engagement from their followers.

For example, a brand might work with an influencer to host a Q&A session, a live stream, or a social media challenge that invites their followers to join in and share their experiences with the brand. These types of initiatives can help to build a sense of community and foster a deeper connection between the brand, the influencer, and their shared audience.

Another way to build a brand community through influencer marketing is by partnering with micro-influencers who have a highly engaged and loyal following. Micro-influencers may have smaller audiences than macro-influencers, but they often have more authentic and meaningful connections with their followers.

By partnering with micro-influencers who align with the brand's values and target audience, brands can tap into these existing communities and build relationships with highly engaged and dedicated consumers.

Alternatively, instead of building a community that revolves solely around your brand, consider building a broader micro community related to your industry. This way, you can get people talking about relevant topics in your vertical and more organically work your brand and products into the conversation.

By prioritizing the building of brand communities as an objective in their influencer marketing strategies, brands can foster deeper connections with their audience and drive long-term growth and loyalty.


For many brands, the ultimate objective of an influencer marketing campaign is sales. And while this shouldn’t always be the objective for every brand—some brands are more sellable via social media than others—influencer marketing campaigns can in fact help boost sales.

By selecting influencers who align with the brand's values and target audience, brands can tap into existing communities of highly engaged and dedicated consumers who are more likely to convert. Influencers can share product reviews, unboxing videos, or other types of sponsored content that showcase the brand's products or services in a compelling way and encourage their followers to make a purchase.

Another way to drive sales as your influencer marketing objective is by offering exclusive discounts or promotions to the influencer's followers. Influencers can promote these discounts or promotions through sponsored content, social media posts, or other types of marketing initiatives to drive traffic and conversions to the brand's website or e-commerce platform.

When creating influencer discount codes, here are a few key tips:

  • Use all capital letters. This helps your code stand out and be more legible.
  • Use a code that is short and easy to copy. Don’t assume everyone will always be able to copy and paste.
  • Use a code that identifies the influencer. This helps with tracking later on.

An example of a clear, concise discount code.

Measuring the success of sales as an objective in influencer marketing campaigns is relatively straightforward. Brands can track metrics such as conversion rates, click-through rates, and revenue generated to determine the effectiveness of the campaign in driving sales. Influencer discount codes are also easy to track via your e-commerce platform, so you can see which influencers best helped you achieve your goal.


A sometimes overlooked influencer marketing objective is content. Working with influencers or UGC creators helps brands generate unique content that feels more authentic to consumers than content created in-house.

When prioritizing content as an objective, you should always focus on collaborating with influencers who align with the brand's values and messaging. By working with influencers who share their values, brands can create more authentic and meaningful content that resonates with their audience.

For example, a sustainable fashion brand might partner with an influencer who is passionate about sustainability and ethical fashion to create content that highlights the brand's commitment to these values.

An important caveat here: give influencers creative freedom and encourage them to be themselves in their content. This will lead to more engaging, authentic, and ultimately impactful content.

Brands can go on to repurpose influencer content in a variety of ways, such as:

  • Resharing on their own social feeds.
  • Using as creative assets, product demos, or testimonials on their website.
  • Repurposing for paid ads, or using whitelisting.
  • Incorporating into printed assets.

Just make sure that when drafting up your influencer contract or negotiating your deal, you discuss the brand being able to reuse the influencer’s content.

Thought leadership

Thought leadership is another objective of influencer marketing campaigns. Thought leaders—also called key opinion leaders or KOLs—are influencers who are recognized as experts in their field and have a deep understanding of industry trends, challenges, and opportunities.

Thought leaders can share their knowledge and expertise with their followers through sponsored content, blog posts, social media posts, white papers, webinar, or other types of marketing initiatives. By leveraging the influencer's credibility and expertise, brands can position themselves as industry leaders and establish themselves as a trusted source of information for their audience.

How to choose the right objective for your brand’s influencer marketing

Choosing the right objective depends on various factors. Let’s look at a few of these so you understand how to best decide which goal to tackle for your brand.

Think about your brand and where it is in its journey

Consider your brand and its journey so far. Your objective should fit with your desired growth. For some brands that are already well-known, the objective of their influencer campaigns might be purely sales.

But if you’re just starting, or trying to tackle a new market, don’t shy away from prioritizing goals like brand awareness or content. Before you can expect to pull in many sales, people need to know that your brand exists.  

Consider the products and/or services you sell

Any brand can do influencer marketing. But some brands will have it a lot easier than others, and it usually depends on the type of product or service you sell. Social media is, at the end of the day, multimedia. So highly visual or demonstrative products will be a bit easier to market via this channel.

Logistics play into this, too. For example, beauty brands will more easily be able to send influencers products than a company that sells large home appliances. It’s a lot easier to send and receive a makeup palette than a refrigerator, right?

Your target audience

Your target audience is also an important consideration here. For example, B2C brands generally have a slightly easier time running influencer marketing campaigns than B2B ones.

B2C influencer marketing campaigns typically focus on reaching a large audience of consumers with a broad range of interests and preferences. B2B influencer marketing campaigns, on the other hand, are more targeted and focused on reaching decision-makers and influencers within a specific industry or niche.

In B2C influencer marketing campaigns, the emphasis is on creating engaging and visually appealing content that resonates with a broad audience. B2B influencer marketing campaigns, on the other hand, prioritize thought leadership and expertise.


To recap, there are many potential influencer marketing objectives, but some of the most common ones are:

  1. Brand awareness
  2. Trust and loyalty
  3. Brand community
  4. Sales
  5. Content
  6. Thought leadership

But influencer marketing objectives aren’t one-size-fits-all. The right goal for you depends on your brand, your products, and your target audience. Reflect on where you’re at and how you want to grow before defining the objective of your next influencer marketing campaign.