Want to find Youtube influencers for your marketing campaigns? Well we have some great news for you: we’ve just released the first version of your Youtube search engine! If you want to find the perfect Youtube influencers for your marketing campaigns, Heepsy is the place to be.
Before we get started with how to use the search, let’s take a minute to reflect on the behemoth that Youtube has become in social media marketing. In the United States, Youtube reaches (on mobile alone) more 18-34 year olds than any television network. Goodbye, MTV and HBO. The coolest place to watch is now online.
And as such, the platform is obviously a hot spot for social media marketers. But in place of traditional celebrities and TV advertisements, marketers are turning to Youtubers to help promote their messages in a way more apt for the times.
So, if you’re someone looking to streamline your Youtube marketing process, or if you’re someone just getting into Youtube marketing, keep reading to learn exactly how to use the Heepsy Youtube search as well as gain some insight along the way.
How to find Youtube influencers with Heepsy
Here’s the quick low-down on Heepsy’s Youtube search feature:
- There are milliosn Youtubers in our database.
- You can filter your search several different ways.
- You get a statistical and visual view of any given Youtuber.
- All metrics are based on data that comes directly from Youtube.
If you already have a Heepsy account, then just log in as usual. If not, you can create a free account. With a free account, you can try the basic search features for a limited number of searches before choosing if you want to upgrade to a paid subscription.
Find the YouTube tab among the social networks.

Search Features
Let’s take a look at the different ways you can search for Youtubers using Heepsy.
1. Keyword and Category
At the very top of the screen is the keyword field. Here you can narrow down your search based on a category or a chosen keyword.
Categories are broader topics like Food, Fashion, etc. Keywords are more specific, and scan profiles for specific uses of that word or phrase.

2. Location
The Location filter allows you to filter Youtubers by the country where they’re located. When a Youtuber sets up their channel, they have to tell Youtube where it’s located. Heepsy pulls that information, so what you see here will match what’s on Youtube.
For the moment, let’s say I’m targeting the US.

3. Subscribers
With the Subscribers filter, you can specify how many subscribers you want your target Youtuber to have. Keep in mind that while the number of subscribers is a flashy metric, it’s not necessarily the most essential marker of a successful Youtuber.
You can set the subscribers between 1K and 1M+.

Views are a great statistic to consider for your influencer marketing campaigns because it shows how many people are watching a Youtuber’s content. Even if someone doesn’t subscribe to a certain channel, they may regularly revisit it or have it show up in their suggested sidebar. And likewise, just because someone is subscribed to a channel doesn’t always mean they watch it regularly.
Our Views filter has two options:
- Views: the total amount of views that a Youtube channel has
- Average Views Per Post: the average views of the Youtuber’s most recent videos
The latter is a great metric for marketers, as you can approximate how many people your collaboration would reach. While it’s nice to know the total views, that figure could be heavily leaning into the past. So, for an up-to-date assessment of who’s watching, make sure to check the average views.
Okay, back to the example. Imagine I want a Youtuber with at least 50K average views per post…

5. Videos
The Videos filter lets you sort based on the amount, frequency, and recency of videos on the channel. There are three options you can use:
- Total videos: the aggregate over time
- Videos per week: the average of videos uploaded in one week
- Last video: the last time a video was uploaded to the channel
I’m interested in consistency and commitment, so I’m looking for a Youtuber who has at least 1 video per week…

6. Channel
The Channel filter lets you search based on when the Youtube channel was created. The creation date isn’t exactly an indicator of success. There are Youtube channels that were created years ago but then abandoned.
However, if you combine this filter with the others, it could help you find some newer Youtubers who may be budget-friendly options for your campaigns.
I think I want someone who already has a little bit of experience, so I’m going to search for channels that are at least a year old…

7. Contact
If you have a Business or Gold Subscription with Heepsy, you can access the Contact filter. Here, you have lots of options to tailor your search:
- Public contact: Limit results to only Youtubers who have a public email address
- Other channels: Limit results to only Youtubers who also have another specified social media profile
Don't forget, to find Instagram, TikTok, or Twitch influencers, you can always switch to the respective search engines Heepsy offers.

Analytics for Youtube Influencers
In the results, I found Laura in the Kitchen. Laura Vitale is a cook whose Youtube channel features her making all kinds of recipes at home. Let’s use her profile as an example while we take a look at the influencer performance-driven metrics.

Channel Preview
When you open up a YouTuber’s report, the first thing you’ll probably notice is a panel at the top that shows thumbnails of the most recent videos the Youtuber has uploaded. Here, you can get a sense of the video aesthetics to see if they mesh well with your brand’s visual identity. Each thumbnail also has a small icon accompanied by the number of views the video has.
Basic Stats & Bio
On the left-hand side, you’ll see baseline stats: videos, subscribers and views. Beneath that you have a summary taken directly from what the influencer wrote on their About page on Youtube.
Also, see that blue check next to the account name? That shows that the channel is verified by Youtube. And the little icon next to it links directly to the Youtube channel. Heepsy makes it easy for you to toggle between data analytics and the more visceral experience of actually watching the videos.
Social Networks & Websites
Beneath the bio, you’ll see if the Youtuber has a website or is present on other social networks.

Video Metrics
Here are the video stats mentioned before: average views per video, videos per week, and latest video. Beneath that, you can check out the Youtuber’s most-viewed recent video and the very latest video they’ve posted. The most-viewed recent video could be handy to show you what people in this community are interested in now.
In the Latest Videos tab, you can also watch some of her most recent videos.

And that’s it! All the information you need in one handy, clean and user-friendly place!
Customized Lists
Once you’ve rounded up some influencers, you may want to compare them against one another. Instead of clicking from report to report, you can do this using Lists! It’s simple and effective.
At the top right of the screen, click on My Influencers. Here, you can see all the influencer reports you’ve requested, and at the left, you’ll see your lists. You can create lists to organize influencers by country, by campaign, or by whatever criteria you choose.
To add influencers to a list, just click the same icon when you’re looking at their report. Heepsy will ask you which list you want to add them to, or if you want to create a new one.

Once you have some influencers on your list, you’ll be able to easily compare their stats. Further, you can write notes and rate the influencer. These features are useful for highlighting influencers who have been successful in the past, or for adding ideas or impressions. Having notes and ratings directly integrated into Heepsy is also great if more than one person from your team is accessing the information. You can even download the lists as an XLS or CSV file for easy sharing.

Next Steps
Once you’ve narrowed down your Youtubers, it’s time to contact them. Or, if you’re interested in launching a campaign across channels, you could have a look at how to use Heepsy’s Instagram search engine. With all your Youtube and Instagram data in one place, influencer marketing has never been so easy!