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A few of our users have recently asked if it’s possible to find bloggers with Heepsy. The answer? Of course! Heepsy lets you find influencers who are also bloggers in just a few clicks.

Now, while some people might call anyone on Instagram or Youtube a blogger, for the sake of this post we’re talking about social media influencers who have an actual, standalone blog. A site of their own where they produce content that complements or supplements their social profiles.

Steps to find bloggers on Heepsy

In just a few clicks, you can find the perfect bloggers for your campaigns.

  1. Login to your Heepsy account
  2. Choose either the Instagram or Youtube search
  3. Access the filter called Contact
  4. Beneath Other Channels, tick the box that says Blog

This tells Heepsy to only return search results for influencers who also have a blog listed on their social media profile.

Heepsy's filter that allows you to search for bloggers

When looking at results, you’ll find a link to the influencer’s blog under Contact info. You can also access the blog by first visiting the influencer’s Instagram or Youtube profile and following the link they’ve posted there.

A Heepsy profile showing a link to the influencer's blog.

There’s just one small detail you need to be aware of: the Social Channels filter is only unlocked with a Business or Gold Plan. But don’t worry! If you want to try out Heepsy without committing to one of those plans, you can also access the filter during your test run of the Free Plan.

Why collaborate with bloggers

Way back before social media took over the Internet, blogs were one of the best ways to share your experience and knowledge with an online audience. Blogging has changed a lot since then, and now platforms like WordPress let anyone with a good idea and a dose of motivation to create an attractive and professional blog. With this technology, it’s no wonder there are some 600 million blogs on the Internet.

Blogs offer the option of combining multimedia (like video and photos) with longer pieces of written content. For products or services that are complicated or require a walkthrough, bloggers could be the perfect collaborators.

Or, in some industries, text format might still be useful. For example, a recipe can be prepared in a video, but the audience may also like to be able to flip between the ingredients and instructions without rewinding and fast-forwarding. Some users might even want a printable copy. This is easy to generate from a blog, but not so much from Instagram or Youtube.

@simplymorane on Instagram posting about vegan nut butter.
@simplymorane on Instagram, promoting a recipe on her blog in which she uses @naturalnutly nut butter.

Blogs are great for your SEO, too. When done well, the links that bloggers include in their posts will help bring both human and AI traffic to your website.  Google determines your search engine ranking based in part on external backlinks that lead to your site. And when indexing backlinks, Google accounts for the linking website’s authority. Therefore, collaborating with bloggers who have proven their content is top quality can help your website get more traffic. And more traffic can translate into higher brand awareness or even more sales! If you’d like to learn more about this topic, there’s a wealth of online resources or you could reach out to an SEO Company to help you draw up a personalized plan.

Next steps

Heepsy makes finding bloggers easy. The combined power of a blog plus social media can optimize your campaign both for humans and for Google. So get searching! And don’t forget that Heepsy lets you organize your search results in customizable Lists, which makes contacting influencers all the easier.